Tuesday, March 03, 2009

25 Random Things:

1. Susan pooped (again!). I should buy stock in Pampers and Huggies.

2. I worry constantly about my family. I guess I'm a "expect the worst, hope for the best" kind of person.

3. Went to another funeral today. Am driving my husband and mom nuts with getting them to write down what kind of funeral they want. But I have yet to tell them what I would want for my own apart from the cheapest box they have. Seriously. Do I need to be buried in teak or mahogany?

4. I'm secretly glad that I only get 1 channel with my rabbit ears for my TV. Otherwise I would be watching TV *way* too much. On another note, I spend too much time on the Internet. I think I substituted one addiction for another.

5. I am a homebody, but not a good homemaker. I can freak out when trying out a new recipe, or planning meals. I really have to do that *every* day?

6. I miss skiing. A lot. It's one of the few times that I don't think about anything except for the next turn. Maybe that's why I like to go so fast on the hill; that way, I'm really concentrating on not maiming myself.

7. I've been trying to avoid consumerism, especially since we got back from Asia, but the longer I'm back here, the more I want the 'nice, new and improved' stuff. I daydream about winning the lotto so Michael and I wouldn't have to work, we could help out family, and travel. Oh yeah, and get 'stuff'.

8. It's 1am, and Susan finally fell asleep. In 15 minutes, I get to lay her down, then I can go to bed. I have great kids, but they are light sleepers. I guess I really can't complain.

9. I am dorky about opening mail, making lists, and actually look forward to doing my taxes. Something about putting order to chaos. Same reason why I loved Math instead of English in school. You were either right or wrong in Math, and it sorta depended on how well you could articulate in English.

10. My biggest pet peeve on the internet is not spelling words properly. If I have to sound out the words while I'm reading it (huked on fonix werked fer mi!), then I don't want to read it. Same thing with music. Sing the proper lyrics, or not at all.

11. I love to sing pretty much anything. If I know the song well, then I'm singing along.

12. Now I understand why I drove my mom nuts with being a slob. I trip over toys every day now, and I swear Jillian follows me around after I straighten up.

13. I love my husband. Sure, he does stuff that drives me nuts, but it's over small things, like not getting the recycling to the curb on time, or making up his own lyrics to songs.

14. I'm going to check over this whole posting before I publish it to make sure there's nothing incriminating on it!

15. I haven't given anything up for Lent yet. I broke the no chocolate/fast food/swearing options on the first day. Maybe I should go with desserts in general, that'll hurt. I *love* desserts. OK, desserts it is.

I miss dessert.

16. I have a totally random thought process. It drives my husband nuts.

17. It's 1:22am. Why will my child not fall asleep?

18. Damn! I was supposed to post 25 Random Things, not 25 Random Thoughts. Too late, I'm past the 1/2 way mark.

19. I enjoy breastfeeding, but I dislike running low on milk late at night when Susan wants to go to sleep.

20. Nobody Wang Chungs Tonight anymore.

21. I think I was cool once.

22. I have fantasies about my pillow and what it feels like when my head lies on it. Seriously. I miss sleeping for more than 3 hours in a row.

23. I really don't have anything to complain about if I complain about a lack of sleep, don't I?

24. Who thought of inventing ketchup?

25. It's time to do dishes again. I think dirty dishes are like rabbits mating. As soon as you're done cleaning...POOF! The sink is full again.

1 comment:

Fawn said...

I think my dishes are even more prolific than rabbits!

I loved this post -- you're hilarious. I love how you really seem to be finding your blogging voice, Idania!