Friday, March 09, 2007

Has it really been 8 days since Jillian was born?

I found out that she likes:

And she doesn't like:
-when I change her diaper
-when she gets a bath
-when I wait too long to feed her (anything over a 5 minute wait)

It's amazing how quickly someone becomes the centre of your world. We've got a good routine down this week:

-8am- Michael leaves for his placement. Jillian's usually finished eating at this point, so she (sometimes me too) goes to sleep.
-she wakes up, cries, I change her and feed her
-she goes back to sleep
-she wakes up, cries, I change her and feed her
-she goes back to sleep
-she wakes up, cries, I change her and feed her
-she goes back to sleep
-she wakes up, cries, I change her and feed her
-she goes back to sleep
-4pm- Michael returns and plays with Jillian for a bit
-she wakes up, cries, I change her and feed her
-she goes back to sleep
-she wakes up, cries, I change her and feed her
-she goes back to sleep
-she wakes up, cries, I change her and feed her
-she goes back to sleep
-11pm- Michael goes to sleep
-she wakes up, cries, I change her and feed her
-she goes back to sleep
-she wakes up, cries, I change her and feed her
-she goes back to sleep
-Aaaand that takes us back to 8am!!

Now March break has started!!! I'm excited because Michael's going to be home for the next 9 days, plus the weather promises to be superb this week, so we can go outside instead of being cooped up in the house.

I took Jillian to her first doctor's appointment; I didn't like the doctor very much as he's the kind of doctor that double-books his appointments and in very much in a rush to get things done quickly without getting to know his patients or to explain 'why' he's doing something. I'll try to bring Michael to the next appointment, as I'm a non-confrontational type of person.

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