Sunday, February 01, 2009

Maybe it's because I'm getting enough sleep, but I find that I'm enjoying the newborn stage a lot more the second time around. I think it's due to several factors:

-I'm not in post-partum pain like I was the first time around
-The baby blues haven't hit like the last time (fingers crossed)
-I'm not afraid of Susan being so fragile like the first time around (and there are plenty of things that "they" tell you to be afraid of-I can't tell you who "they" are or "they" will come after me!)
-We're living in our own house instead of crappy student housing on campus (I swear, I loved everything else about Windsor!). Did I mention it was a 1 bedroom apartment with a creepy maintenance guy? Ugh.
-I'm not making myself wake up every 3 hours to feed Susan (shh! Don't tell "them"!)
-Susan is an amazing baby. I know, we all say that about our own kids. She cries when she's hungry, and has her 'mad' cry when we give her a bath. Other that that-bliss! (crossing fingers)
-Michael's off until the second week of March for parental leave, thanks to living in Quebec! This means I can do more things, like cooking, napping, and sleeping, plus he gets to bond with Susan and gets to give Jillian some one-on-one time when my hands are full.
-Family close by

Wow! This list was longer than I thought!

OK, off to bed now-yipee!

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