Sunday, December 09, 2007

The tree is up, but no sign of teeth!

Why do 'they' make us paranoid that babies are suicidal?

"Keep plastic bags away or babies will suffocate themselves"
-but she is intrigued by them. She'll grab a plastic bag way before a toy-crinkly sound
"Stay with children in the bath or they with drown"
-she has put her face in the water to pick up her rubber duckie with her mouth
"Keep them away from plugs"
-yes, she thinks they're so interesting and has crawled and tried to stick her wet finger in one of them

There's a bunch more, but it explains parent paranoia...

Jillian's happily scooting around now; she doesn't have her timing with her legs and arms matched yet, but I'm sure it will happen sooner rather than later!

Still a gummy smile. Maybe I should take bets and make money that way...

We put the tree up this past week, and I managed to wrap a few presents. I have this weird habit of using up one roll of paper before I start another one. Sure I can't tell who gets what without labels, but the Martha Stewart in me feels a lot better.

We had a birthday party for my dad-in-law yesterday.
10-12 adults
6-7 kids
1 puppy who *didn't* pee or poo in the house(whoopie!)
2 meal options with salad and bread
2 fantastic desserts

Now I'm only taking credit for the main course because Tanya is the Dessert Queen, and no mere mortal can take that title from her! Her hubby was laughing at me, because I was literally *pushing* a second baking pan in the oven next to the first one. Well, it did fit, and nothing burned, so I'm not apologizing! ;)

It was a bit nutty at times with all the kids around, but overall, a lot of fun. I wonder when we can do this again?

I put Jillian's playpen/bassinet in her room next to her crib...I had a flash of Baby #2 sharing the same room with her, and I got a little mushy twinge inside. I am looking forward to getting pregnant again...not yet though!...but I really do enjoy the one on one time that I have with her. I also miss that teeny tiny baby stage, though. But that time is so short!

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