Friday, November 24, 2006

Well, I'm at week 24 now, which means that I'm about 5.5 months along, if you look at the calendar. We've wrapped up our prenatal classes too. I can't believe that it was 5 weeks long, and now it's over. Am I even going to remember all the instructions that they've given to us?

Baby's getting more active now. Michael could feel the baby a little bit last night, but not all the kicks are strong enough yet to feel on the outside. It tends to be more active at night than during the day. My next doctor's appointment is next week, so I'm excited to hear the heartbeat again.

Weather wise, it's been really foggy in Windsor for some's kind of mysterious, like a Stephen King novel or a mystery book. I'm still getting used to the radio stations here. One of them has been playing non-stop Christmas music for the last 3 weeks. I think I would enjoy it more if it looked Christmasy outside, but alas! There's no snow here!

We went out this week to a Faculty of Education pub. I ordered a (virgin!) Caesar, and waited for someone to attempt to lecture me, but I think that everyone presumed that I was behaving myself. I even danced for a little bit, but I felt self-conscious until I was told that I was a 'cool mom'. I did meet some nice people, though.

By the way, 'Casino Royale' was an enjoyable movie! I didn't think at first that Daniel Craig would fit into the Bond role, but he did a really good job. There's no gadgets, and no silly puns, and I think that helped in improving the movie.

31 more days till Christmas! Are you ready?

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