Friday, October 12, 2007

It's getting chilly in the country!

We had a good Thanksgiving; pretty relaxed, but we did accidentally crash a turkey dinner! Thanks Jeff & Isy for accommodating us! On Monday, we ended up having dinner for 7 people, but honestly, has anyone ever heard of Thanksgiving stew and veggies? I didn't think so! I will try my hand at turkey eventually, though.

Jillian has now mastered sitting up without falling over for a long period of time-as in at least a half hour, to which I am thankful. She is also starting to creep backwards across the floor. 'Creeping' is a term that refers to her moving very slowly, and not being 'creepy', which is a whole other story!

She has now been eating carrots, wax beans (ugh), and green beans (ugh ugh). She has started to accept this food as being normal in her diet and is eating them without complaint now (thank goodness!). She doesn't make as many faces as she used to, and I still haven't introduced fruit yet, but I will as soon as she tries all the veggies. She has a cupboard dedicated to her food, and it looks like the shelf at the grocery store!

I have even been making her homemade carrots. Easy recipe, really:
-blend ( don't forget to add lots of water!)

The dilemma is, although it's super cheap for a bag of carrots, the time it takes to prepare it is a pain in the butt, not to mention the cleanup. But at least I know that I'm picky about the carrots that I'm preparing, and really, where exactly is this factory that makes baby food? Although the label makes us think that the workers there are happy grandmothers that prepare the food and think of our little ones, and are super careful, I doubt that this is the case.

So, she's reached the 7 month mark, and she's got the most adorable photo of her with angel wings on! Yes, I'm a big tease, but I dread to think of how long it would take to upload that picture here.

Anyway, time to take care of the princess! Her hair's long enough now to put into 2 clips as her hair is getting into her eyes now.

Ta ta for now!

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