Friday, August 07, 2009

High School Health Ed Course

What they should really be teaching to try to prevent teen-age pregnancy!

Chapter 1. Why stretch marks are like tattoos-they stick around!

Chapter 2. Sleeping-what is that?

Chapter 3. Disposable income - the new myth.

Chapter 4. Dirty diapers and baby puke- welcome to the new perfume that you will be wearing this season.

Chapter 5. Remember that cute outfit you bought last week? It will *never* look the same on you again.

Chapter 6. Yes, the baby has to come out of you one way or another.

Chapter 7. Pain management - it still hurts like a mother-f******!!!!

Chapter 8. Celebrities look amazing 2 weeks after birth thanks to their best friend - plastic surgery.

Chapter 9. Breast-feeding helps you lose weight - and other myths.

Chapter 10. Babies- they grow up to be teenagers, just-like-you.

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