Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ultimate Garbage Day

Twice a year, we get to throw out household stuff. Like couches, appliances, etc, with a few exceptions. Why am I excited about this?

Last year when we moved in, we managed to get rid of a bunch of the previous owners' stuff, but our basement still had a lot of...random stuff. Then there was another large throwout day, but Michael was out of town, and I'm too prissy to be lifting heavy stuff. Oh yeah, and I was pregnant too!

I guess I feel like I'm on one of those TV shows where people de-clutter their lives and gain some real space and order in their home. Keep, toss, toss, toss. Yipee! Plus, it'll be our chance to finally make the basement 'ours'.

Does this mean that I'm going to finally get around to going through the boxes that are packed full of sentimental items? Noooo, but I swear that the next time to Costco, I will finally donate the glasses that I wore in university to charity. And the pair I had in high school. I'm pretty sure I threw out the pair I had in middle school...

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