Her sleeping habits are changing-again! She'll still go to bed between 9-11, but enjoys waking me up around 5:30-6. She'll eat her early breakfast, then go back to sleep for another 3 hours. Then it's eat, awake for 3 hours, eat, asleep for 3 hours, eat, repeat. I've had to be careful with her being in her swing, as she enjoys taking mini-naps, which can throw us off and makes for one cranky baby and one sleepy mommy!
She's enjoying her various play structures, including her exersaucer, which means that she can actually be upright, which she loves. She likes making stepping movements as soon as she gets in there. She's also getting a kick out of reaching for toys and putting them in her mouth. Jillian gets a kick out of spinning the exersaucer around and around while Susan's in it!
She's really upping her babbling with us, and I could have sworn a couple of times that she repeated what we said! Then I drank more imaginary Caesars....
She's also really starting to laugh/giggle with us, and when she's laughed too much, she gets the hiccups! Poor girl, but we love it, so we keep at it!
She's really interested in the TV now; when we move her away from the screen, she turns her head so she can keep watching the show. Michael didn't like that, so now we make a point of having her facing us instead, or playing with one of her toys.
Trying to get a picture of both girls is not easy. I usually get something like this:
But I'll get the hang of it one day.
Ahahahaha! Love the pic! Halia is fascinated with the TV, too, something Jade wasn't really into at that young an age. Of course, it was off a lot more at that time...
It's funny because Jillian would only watch the kids' shows, but Susan will watch *anything*.
I did get a nice pic of both girls-although Jillian has crazy lion-hair. Jillian's just not crazy about sitting next to Susan for any reason. I hope she outgrows this by the time we get our Christmas pictures done!
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