Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My name is Idania and I buy my clothes at a grocery store.

There, I said it! How can you argue with a $5 shirt? It is a super-mega-googleplex grocery store...the kind you could live in for a few months in case of emergency. Mind you, it takes the same amount of time to go shopping there too!

We're all enjoying the summer weather...well, Michael's at work during that prime time of sunshine, but now that his summer class is over, we see him every night. Yipee!

We went to Orillia this past weekend to visit our 'Taiwan gang'. Funny thing is, we met 3 out of 6 siblings while we were in Taiwan, and are now good friends with 4 of them! Michael went to school with one of them while we were in Windsor. It was wonderful catching up with everyone. One couple just bought a house, so we were their first house-guests. Loved the size and backyard, though I have never mowed a lawn before! Another couple are visiting from Taiwan and are prego with their first child (girl!) and they look so content and thrilled...I am sooo happy for the both of them!!!

We ended up going to a wedding on Saturday; unexpected, and didn't have anything to wear, but got to borrow a skirt, with the intention being to change in the washroom of the church. Where is the w/c? I had no idea and changed behind one of the witnesses! Thank goodness! At the reception, they played "In my Daughter's Eyes" which made me bawl like a baby; I was also holding Jillian at the time.

Also managed a boat tour that enabled us to catch up on local gossip and look at the ritzy cottages that made me feel poor at the end of the trip. :( Oh well...

Jillian was AWESOME the entire trip. Only started crying on the last day because she was hot and hungry, and it was maybe for 10 minutes. It was an emotional goodbye for many reasons, but I can't wait to see everyone again(hopefully soon!)

Got Jillian's second round of shots on July 3rd. She's now 2 feet tall and 14 pounds; the doc says that she's right on track. I think that she might have known about the vaccination, because she started crying during the checkup and before she got her 2 shots. Another 2 months to go before the next round, thank goodness.

She's started giggling (when she feels like it), and has mastered holding her head up. I am practicing having her on her tummy, so she can learn to roll over, but she hates lying down that way. She loves it when her feet touch the ground so she can push herself to a standing position as well as when her Daddy lifts her up in the air; she stretches out so she looks like she's flying like Superman. She's really grasping objects well, but she tends to lick whatever she's holding on to, so I'm doing my best to keep her hands clean. She also found out how to suck her thumb on July 7th (She doesn't like soothers), but I'm hoping that this is a phase.

Hope everyone is well and happy!

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