As you can see, she's enjoying more and more time on her tummy; it should only be a matter of time till she's rolling over!
By the way, I did add a few more photos to:
Not much new lately. We're suspecting that she's teething as she's drooling, chomping on her hands, and pulling on her ears. Secretly, I hope it doesn't happen yet. I love her gummy smile! Plus, I don't want her to bite me either!
She recently received a set of socks with rattles that look like puppies on them. When Michael changed her diaper, she was amazed that her feet looked like dogs and immediately grabbed at them!
She's getting a lot out of her stroller rides. She likes to lean forward with her head and swivel her head back and forth while she inspects the wide, wide world. Watching the wind move the leaves on the trees enthrall her. Looking at my red shirt will keep her attention as well! She got a bit cranky 1/2 way through the walk, but once her stroller was reclined, she fell asleep right away.
I like my stroller. Do they make them in adult sizes and can someone push me around while I take a nap? Wait, on second thought, it would be way too weird to take a nap, and have random people see you sleep.
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