Saturday, October 21, 2006

What an awesome day! I am now officially 19 weeks along today (almost halfway there!), and I finally have an appointment with an OB!!! (Yes, I'm easily impressed now.)

Right now, we're just waiting to feel the baby move for the first time. So far it's just bubbles and grumbles. I'm told that I'll 'just know' when it happens, but as you know, I'm not the most patient person in the world! I keep on poking my belly to see if I'll get an answer.

We've also signed up for pre-natal classes, so I'm looking forward to finding out as much as I can before the birth. However, I do have visions of sitting cross-legged on a floor with Michael rubbing my back while doing that deep breathing with everyone ..."heee...heee...hooo". I hope I don't crack up in class!

I will put up some pictures soon of myself, and I promise there will be no photoshopping going on!

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