We went in at 3pm. I really had to pee, but was afraid that I'd have to drink more water! I went in first with the techie, and she measured the baby. Then Michael came in and this was our first glimpse.
In the picture, the arms are up by the face(the head is on the right hand side). If you tilt your head to the right, you can see the baby looking directly at you.
Then the techie showed us the spine & ribs, then moved down to the legs. We could see it kicking! It was so amazing! (Can you tell it's my first baby?). Then she moved down so we could see the feet. We can't get a video till the next time we go for the 18 week ultrasound.
This is me at 2 weeks. Even though we're still waiting to find out the sex, I'm guessing it's a girl because the arms are right by the face.
For those who are laughing, I think it's a better indicator than hanging a needle over my belly!
In any case, it really started to hit me today that I'm actually responsible for another person! (Yes, I do know that I'm not the first to come to this realization!)
In any case, I'm looking forward to meeting my OB and the next ultrasound. Hopefully it'll be before the end of October.
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