For the younguns out there, I used to play Super Mario Brothers. A lot. On the ORIGINAL Nintendo Entertainment System.
Anyway, for those who remember, you would stomp on some crazy mushrooms, smash some turtles, and pick up some gold coins along the way. Remember getting to the end of one of the Worlds, and having to encounter the Big Mean Badguy (Koopa king or whatever you call them?). The first time you'd get whooped BAD. The second time, WORSE! But you just kept going back for more because, dammit, you've got a princess to save! Then FINALLY! You'd squeak by a victory! Then onto the next world...and the next bad guy...
Anyway, this sums up my French learning so far. I had a blast going over the pronunciation and alphabet (hooray! I'm a superstar!), then onto Present Tense, then Passe Compose. I stumbled a bit on Imparfait, but got the hang of it (mostly, but it's getting easier every day). Even Plus-que-Parfait made sense when I thought about it (I went to the store before I filled up the car with gas-gotcha!)
But alas, I have met my Koopa King, aka Bowser:

(photo courtesy of )
Its name is Pronoms Relatifs and the score is now:
Pronoms Relatifs: 2
Idania: ZERO!
After my first beating, I made sure I got plenty of rest, a nice big mug of coffee, and I was ready to BEAT this bad boy today. Alas, it was not to be. I have made more headway this time, and like Scarlett O'Hara from "Gone With the Wind" says,
"Tomorrow is Another Day!" (without the hoop skirts, mind you!)
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