This is her 7 month picture. LOVE IT!
I have a rolling dervish...
Over the last week, Jillian has learned that she can roll over and over, and today I could tell that she has mastered the art of pivoting, and that she really, really likes the orange carpet in the living room.
Yesterday, I had her on a blanket so she could roll back and forth while I cooked supper(wow! I made supper!!!). Anyway, I went back to check on her and she had rolled to the window. The next time I checked on her, she was under the coffee table! Mind you, she was terribly proud of herself. Usually, I can give her a toy to play with and she'll stay in one place, but it looks like it's something that just won't happen anymore. When giving her her bath tonight, she was determined to crawl out of it, then settled for eating the rim of her bathtub.
She's also developed this habit of rolling round and round in her crib, and falling asleep either sideways, or under her comforter with her feet sticking out, just like the Wicked Witch of the East in "The Wizard of Oz".
I just find it shocking that she's made this quest to actively explore her world. It's like she finally figured out that:
rolling on her back and front + creeping + pushing up with her arms = an interesting afternoon.
Food-wise, she's comfortable with veggies, and is in the process of trying different types of fruit. Apples, mango, kiwi, peaches, and I probably forgot a few. Today I caught her saying 'ah' in a teeny-tiny voice when I fed her supper. I guess she got tired of seeing me open my mouth real wide and saying "aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh". I called Michael over to witness it, but of course she stopped and grinned at me instead...cheeky monkey!
This weekend she gets her Abuela all to herself, and my mom is thrilled at not having to share Jillian with me too!
Michael's keeping busy with school and I have about 3 more boxes to go until we are officially unpacked. Unfortunately, it's the odds and ends that don't quite have a home, but which we are unwilling to part with. If I throw it in a drawer, does that count?
1 comment:
Pffft, three boxes, you amateur! We've been in our house for over 2 years and we still have at least 5 or 10 boxes of stuff that doesn't have a home. Mostly scrapbooking and other crafty stuff. Who has time for crafts these days?!
LOVE the picture of Jillian - so sweet!
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