Ah, summer! The weather's gotten a lot better and we get outside more often. Jillian's not too crazy about the hot weather, but doesn't complain when the A/C is on full blast!
We're having fun living with my mom until we get our own place. It's nice to have another grownup to talk to during the day and Jillian's able to get to know her 'Abuela' better.
Jillian now weighs in at over 14 pounds, so she's doubled her birthweight. She's also over 2 feet tall (long?), and loves making bubbles with her spit. She's a pro with the bottle (phew!) and is really taking an interest with the world around her. She's starting to get used to lying on her tummy, but it'll take some time before she's totally comfy with it. Also, when she goes to bed and we play some lullabyes for her, she'll 'sing' along with the music till she falls asleep. She can sit up with assistance, and although she's got a bit of bobble-head, she's getting better every day. She can also stand briefly with assistance, but I don't do that often as her little bones aren't ready for that yet.
Michael's working back at his old job again this summer. He has a couple of pictures of Jillian on his desk so she can keep him company during the day. He's also taking night classes 3 times a week as well (6-9pm), so he's feeling really worn out by the end of the week. Luckily that class is over at the end of next week, so he'll be able to spend more time with us during the summer.
As for me? I'm getting addicted to Home and Garden TV (a station that talks about renovating, decorating, selling and buying homes).
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