Soothers and Swings
We've all gotten over our colds now (thank goodness!), and this week, Michael started back at his old company, and still taking classes at night, 3 times a week! I still don't know how he does it.
This week, we've reintroduced Jillian to her swing, and she loves it! In fact, when we tried to take her out of it on Sunday, she started crying! And it's the type that you turn the handle, so we don't have to worry about buying batteries or tripping over a plug!
I've also managed to take her on a few walks this week to the grocery store (it's only 10 minutes away), and its been cold again, but she's been bundled up pretty well. Lately, she's been either really alert or fast asleep. She had her growth spurt right around the 3 month mark (last week), and I'm really seeing a difference. She's still enjoying her little gym that plays music and flashes lights and her bouncy chair. However, she is amandant about not being on her tummy! She'll have her face right in her blanket and start crying. Ah well. I guess she'll catch on when she starts to roll over?
We've also been trying each night to have her take one bottle, so she's not completely dependent on me. Don't get me wrong, I love the time that I spend breastfeeding her, but sometimes I just want to stand up and run around in circles when she's taking her time! It was HORRID to say the least! She didn't want anything to do with the bottle and would scream at us. Then I was putting her soother/comforter/binky/dummy in her mouth and watch her pop it out. Then I would do it again, just to see. Then on Wednesday, she caught on that she could suck on it! Woo hoo! I tried to experiment and added the bottle when she spit out her soother, and voila! She started to drink from the bottle! Now Michael can feed her too!
Now if we can get her to change her own diaper....