Saturday, April 14, 2007

Miss Cranky-Pants
Why can I get sleeping pics and hungry/gassy/tired pics, but no smiley ones? I think that picture was taken the night she fell asleep after 3am...long night, but she slept for 6 hours straight!
Anyway, she is lying on me right now and is content (baby definition: fed, dry diaper and sleeping). I'm a little sad because she officially outgrew her newborn sleeper. When we first put it on her 6 weeks ago, she was *swimming* in it. Michael was shocked that she could out grow something that fast. I think he said, "We'd better have at least 3 kids to make this cost-effective!" (Slow down, mister!). So, I'm officially thanking the people that said, "Don't buy newborn things! She'll grow out of it!".
Packing is going...slowly! In fact, I should be doing that instead of hanging out on the computer.
I found a new addiction: . If you are prepared to go on there for hours at a time, then go ahead. Otherwise, enter at your own risk! The first night I signed up, I was up till 5:30am!

1 comment:

Deb said...

I warned you Facebook was addictive!!