Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Daddy doesn't taste like milk!
Went to the doctor's office today and Jillian's gaining weight well.
Birthweight Thursday March 1st: 6 pounds, 15 ounces
Last week Tuesday March 20th: 7 pounds, 15 ounces
This week Tuesday March 27th: 8 pounds, 15 ounces
I kid you not; she doesn't like whole numbers! Of course, I could have upped the last one if I went to the doctor's with a 'full' diaper...
Mom's been a huge help this week; today, she bathed Jillian by herself in the bathroom.
Usually, Michael and I need to bring the tub to the coffee table, and he holds her while I bathe her. Mom did it in the baby tub in the bathtub by herself, and Jillian was so relaxed, until it was time to get out! Mom followed up with a massage, some baby exercises, then I fed her till she fell asleep...and she's still asleep in her crib! AMAZING!!!
Speaking of zzz's, time for me to catch some!

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