Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hey hey!

Came back from the doctor's, and Michael was able to come with me this time. Usually he hasn't because of his school schedule.

Heartrate 140-150


I'm 3cm dialated! In other words, when I'm 10cm, I'll be ready to push the baby out! The doctor said that I could go anytime, but some women are like this for another couple of weeks, so we just have to be patient a bit longer! We were completely shocked and couldn't stop grinning at each other. Just can't wait to see Baby Riley!

Anyway, our bags are packed and at the door; now we just need to install the carseat and we should be all set to go. Now that the buzz has worn off, I'm feeling a bit pooped. I suppose I'll keep puttering around and cleaning up till I fall asleep tonight.

We have a Formal with Michael's class this Friday, and my work is hosting a shower for me this weekend...Michael insists that the baby stay in until those events are over...hah! As if I have control over the main event!

Not too much longer!

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