Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The end of January already!

Well, we went to Ottawa on the 26th(my apologies to people who didn't know that we were there for the weekend). Michael went to a job fair and got a few leads at some elementary schools, and I went to a shower that my sister-in-law threw for me the next day. It was super catching up with some ladies that I hadn't seen in almost a year! One of my friends couldn't make it because she was sick, but she was very considerate in that she didn't want me to catch anything. My sister-in-law also made a fabulous cake, as well as chocolate cheesecake and homemade ice cream! That was for starters! I'm hoping that she took a picture of the cake so I can show it off to everyone.

My last doctor's visit last week went well. I'm realizing how tiny my doctor is. I bet she's about 110 pounds. When she helps me sit up, she has to brace herself! I hope that she doesn't throw out her back when helping out all the pregnant ladies!

Today was a bit exciting and out of the ordinary. I was trying to sleep in this morning, and instead had someone knocking on the door at 9:10am. I knew it wasn't Michael, so I threw on the robe and went to the door. To my surprise, I see a police officer!!! He then hands me a summons to appear in court in 3 weeks. Now I'm really confused. What did I do? Who is the name of the defendant on the paper? The officer was really nice, and told me to show up on time, and gave me the number of someone who would give me more information.

Did I mention that the robe fit me properly *before* I was pregnant?
Did I also mention that I had bed head and was totally incoherent?

Anyway, upon further reflection, I realized that it had to do with a person that tried to open an account at my work with fraudulent identification. I had my manager call the police, and they interrogated him in my office for an hour before they took him away in the paddywagon (and yes, it's still called a paddywagon). I had completely forgotten about the incident until today.

Any bets on whether I will go into labour *before* the court date on February 21st?

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