Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Well, we went to our first OB(baby doctor) appointment yesterday. I did end up getting a woman (yay!). Once I met her, I felt really relaxed because she is very easy to talk to and she is genuinely happy about her job. She also looks really young, but that doesn't bother me at all. If she wasn't wearing her labcoat, I would have mistaken her for a student!

Anyway, she took a Doppler (like an electronic stethoscope), and we could hear the baby's heartbeat. It was 141 beats per minute(which is a good number), and it made the same 'woosh woosh' sound that you hear on TV shows. Also, when the doctor put the Doppler and found the heart, we heard it for a few seconds, and then the little bugger moved over 3 inches to the side! And I thought that they didn't move around that much.

I *think* I'm feeling flutters and *maybe* a poke or 2, but I can't say for sure that it's the baby. At least, there's nothing for me to say OUCH about....yet...

I should be getting an ultrasound in the next few weeks, and we should have better pictures...although we are still waiting to find out if it's a boy or girl. I have been told that it's a boy from my coworkers because: the heartbeat is slower, and that I'm carrying the baby in front and up high.

It's amazing all the theories that come out, not to mention horror stories! It's not bothering me right now, but that doesn't mean that I'm inviting anyone to try to out-scare me!

We also went to our prenatal class where they were talking about pain management and options, along with breech births(where the baby comes out bum first or feet first), as well as C-sections.
We also practiced breathing again, which was pretty much the same as the last time, and pretty relaxing.

Now, I'm not a graceful person to begin with, but I'm even worse now! I'm also getting slower, which isn't bothering me too much yet, but Michael swears it takes me 5 minutes to get up from the couch!

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