Jillian had a good time, but is starting to 'make strange' with new people. According to my baby book, she's right on schedule for that. At least she's comfy with Mom and Michael, otherwise I'd have very tired arms!
Also, on August 5th, we decided to introduce her to rice cereal. For a baby, this is a solid, although it looks like gruel.
The VERY FIRST spoonful!!!
All done!
For the record, she did like it, and there was no more cereal in the bowl, but as you can see from the last picture, probably half of it ended up on her than in her.
We are getting ready for our big move next week. There are tons of boxes; how the heck do we manage to accumulate this much stuff? I even found papers from when I was a teenager. At least it'll be useful when it comes time to light a fire!
Unfortunately, where we'll be moving to only has dial-up internet, so I'm not sure what it'll mean when it comes to these posts. I will probably only be able to add pictures when I visit my mom's house. Hopefully, I can still write on a regular basis.
Anyway, time for more packing!